Wednesday, September 24, 2008
sigh. psle sux. now muggin like siao with so much hw.
yay i love pingpong. so kool. only lost to dominic lolololol. lets boast. me won darrel, fatty, and wise! yayayayay
this is an ultra short post. REMEMBER to visit my blog still but always leave a tag. UNDERSTAND?????
haha >< closure of blog for now due to PSLE. BUH-BYE!!!
4:31 PM; shattered
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
first, i shall update, normally.
these few days, we have like a combined timetable. means three classes together. means there must be a big space to accommodate. means lecture theatre pratically 24/7 (jk larh). means aircon. but also means small tables. and small chairs. and pitiful walking space.
well... not much to say just that on tues onward I started sneezing and coughing like siao...well i guess most of you noticed... it was rather loud to me. so i kept excusing myself to the toilet to blow my nose, and there i got this whole bunch of tissue and stuffed it into my pinafore pocket. and then i kenna sneezing again then i used up my tissue. so i went toilet. so on and so forth.
and i dun like chinese. cos its like... everyday there's zuo wen leh... !?!? not elaborating
well... just that i find school very the bo-ring. then when i told this to Moo, she was like "be happy. count yer blessings. only like a few more weeks." yeah moo. i'm damn happy now. VE-ERY happy.
today i finally brought me own paddle. played with suzy. first, couldn't get used to it just yet so lost. then suzy started trying to smash but either didn;t cross or was out. so i won. then i started learning how to half-smash. so won again. then suzy became clever and started hitting the balls so that it would just cross the net, so i would have to stretch. so i had to jump and had my whole upper body up on the table and my legs dangling but even the tip of the paddle couldn't touch the net so obviously lost. (when i mean win or lose it means beat the other person in A FEW ROUNDS. not a whole game.)
i actually wanted to do the quiz but i guess i will do it some other time. bb for now.
16 more days of torture, 24 days to absolute freedom. or is it 23. hu cares.
oh ya. and cheryl says i am too pink. u think so?tag. and i wanna change my skin to something pin k too! lololol.
6:13 PM; shattered
Sunday, September 14, 2008
mid autumn was fun. haha. but i also hurt my foot. so unfair. my fave was the arrow thingy... well, and cheryl was such a peach to help me limp about... u rok man!
well, i gotta close my blog down cos my prelims sucked so careless so kenna grounded... dun call me unless important or mom will scold... no com, no phone... no BOOKS argh...
3:10 PM; shattered
Monday, September 1, 2008
I am so emo now. i got rejected by nygh.... ARGH...
well, those gals that didnt go interview got direct offer gratz. ;)
i have been slacking. so now gotta cheong hw...
well, fri i came back from badminton, then play and watch tv and do ll hw. then sat i went to my french class, and guess what? my teacher aint informing me tt this wk no class (i didnt come last wk...) then it was like the admin person came out to tell us no class... my mom damn pissed... go tell me dun do teachers' day gift for her. anyway, we all hate the french teacher, and i was the only one last yr who gave her a gift...
so we went united square have a macdonalds breakfast while mom tutored her fren's daughter... my gd fren too. and then we ate at swensens (i shared an omelette and corn and fries and apple juice and ice lemon tea with my fren) and then go LL. LL we were like all happy teachers day and hamsteroo was like drawing this circle thingy on the board... and me and madeline were drawing smileys all over. i gave ll teachers bk marks that i made during sc and english... (haha)
and also, acs i got one fren he got 95/100 4 sc and that is like wtf cos the highest in his skwl is... 96.
and then come home and change and then go swimming. originally wanna go pingpong one but sum1 book liao so go swim lor... then rain in the middle then stop... then go pick my daddy up from changi and then come home and watch kung fu panda (haha alvin).
then sunday wake up and play then go watch wall-e (so cute so romantique!) and then come home sleep and go fren's house (the one @ united square) cos her mom celebrating my mom's bday 4 her... had all these cupcakes! so nice.
and now have to cheong hw cos slack too much. so bb.
PS i want so badly for him to come online but he aint... *sob* adds to the EMOism
11:33 AM; shattered